How to create and add PAYPAL buy button

How to add PayPal payment HTML code:

Carefully read below listed points on how you’ll receive your money by adding PayPal button.

To access the PayPal Button Factory, log into your PayPal account and navigate to the Create PayPal Payment Button page:
1.      After logging in to PayPal, select the Merchant Services tab, then click My Saved Buttons under Tools and Settings.
2.      Click Create New Button in the Related Items group.
3.      Specify Your Button Details.

Choose the type of button you want to create from the Button Type drop down menu, then specify the rest of the details for your custom button. Once you have specified all the details for your button, click Create Button to have PayPal generate the custom code for your button.

For example, to create a simple PayPal Buy Now button:
1.      Select Buy Now from the Choose a Button Type drop-down list.
2.      Type the name of the item into the Item Name field and, optionally, enter a unique Item ID to help you identify the item in subsequent transactions.
3.      Enter the price of the item into the Price field, and select a Currency (US dollars is the default currency).
4.      Click Create Button to have the Button Factory generate a custom button that is associated with your PayPal account.

GET THE CODE and paste it on your blog by going to HTML button highlighted in below picture.

Paste the code on the end of the HTML page.

After that, Click Save and you’ll have a PAYPAL add to cart or BUY NOW, PAYPAL button on your post. 

Hit Publish and you’re done.

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