Units of measurement explained briefly // servicebloggers.com

1-ampere: electric current.

2-angstrm: unit of length for the measurement of wavelength.

3-bar: unit of atmosphereic pressure.

4-bel: unit of intensity of sound.

5-calorie: measurment of quantity of heat.

6-candle power: illuminating power of a source of light.

7-centigrade: unit of temperature.

8-centimeter: unit of length.

9-coulomb: electric charge.

10-decibel: intensity.

11-dioptre: power of lense.

12-dyne: unit of force.

13-electron volt: unit of energy.

14-erg: unit of work.

15-farad: electric capacity.

16-farady: electric charge.

17-gauss: magnetic induction.

18-gram: unit of mass.

19-gram wt: gravitational unit.

20-henry: unit of induction.

21-horse power: unit of power.

22-joule: practical unit of work.

23-kg: unit of mass.

24-kilowatt: unit of electrical power.

25-knot: unit of speed.

26-killowatt-hour: practical unit of electrical power.

27-lambert: unit of brightness.

28-light year: unit of distance for measuring astronomical distance.

29-litre: unit of volume capacity.

30-lumen: luminous flux.

31-ux: unit of intensity of lumination.

32-maxwell: magnetic flux.

33-meter: unit of distance.

34-micro farad: one millionth of a farad.

35-millimicron: unit of length used in spectroscopy.

36-newton: unit of work

37-0ersted: unit of magnetic intensity.

38-ohm: unit of electrical resistance.

39-poise: unit of viscosity.

40-second: unit of time.

41-volt: practical unit of electric potential difference.

42-watt: unit of power.

43-weber: unit of magnetic pole strength.

44-x.u: unit of length expressing x-ray wave length.

45-gy-gray: absorbed radiation dose.

46-mole: amount of substance.

47-siemens: electric conductance.

48-hertz: frequecy.

49-radian: plane angle.

50-tesla: magnetic flux density.

51-pascal: pressure.

52-sievert: radiation dose equilent.

53-steradian: solid angle.

54-bacquerel: activity of radionucloids

55-rutherford: rate of decay of radioactive material.

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